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October 4th, 2016

Anne Widdecombe: men are losing the sexism war

Ann Widdecombe
Anne Widdecombe has told the Daily Express that men, not women, are suffering from sexism. The former Tory MP, who previously met Fathers4Justice founder Matt O’Connor to discuss the plight of separated dads, insists there is a “lax attitude” to ensuring the parental rights of fathers.

Widdecombe said if she was going to “rail against sexism” it would be on the man’s side because society has them “whipped” and that are “failing to resist”.

Speaking at Henley Literary Festival, she said: “Now, everywhere you have positive discrimination. That’s a way of saying negative discrimination against men…if I’m going to complain about sexism, it should be from (men’s) sex, not from mine.”

Ms Widdecombe used custody cases to highlight her concern that society treats men unfairly.

“The vast percentage of custody goes to the woman and I understand that,” she said. “But when it comes to enforcing access arrangements, which have been agreed by the courts, there is a very, very lax attitude with complete absence of will to make sure that fathers can actually maintain their rights of access.”

Said Matt O’Connor, “Anne Widdecombe is one of the few public voices to have consistently spoken out about the plight of separated dads and the failure of the courts to enforce their own orders.”

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