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July 22nd, 2024

The Dodge Woodall Interview: This is the eventful life of Fathers4Justice founder Matt O’Connor

Podcaster Dodge Woodall interviews Fathers4Justice founder Matt O’Connor about British dads fighting for freedom and custody, and exposing Katie Price and sexism against men in courts. Watch the full interview here: 

March 15th, 2020

The Telegraph: Judge condemns ‘abomination’ of secrecy surrounding family courts

The secrecy surrounding family courts is an “abomination”, a High Court judge said as he insisted he would not bar the public from hearings. Mr Justice Holman, based in the Family Division of the High Court in London, told lawyers on Thursday that “most family court work” is done “in secret” and he “couldn’t have […]

June 26th, 2018

Huge rise in fathers making court applications to see children

The Times newspaper reports that fathers are driving a rise in court disputes over access, as they assert their rights to be involved with the care of their children, analysis shows. There were more than 138,500 “child arrangement orders” in the past year, up from 132,000 in 2016 and from 128,912 the previous year. The […]

March 9th, 2018

Mother locked in custody battle ‘murders son’ after saying she would rather he was dead than ‘lose him to his father’

A mother murdered her seven-year-old son by strangling him with a scarf after writing letters saying she would rather he ‘be dead’ than lose him in a custody battle, a court heard. Lesley Speed, 44, is also accused of using a cushion to smother Archie Spriggs on the same day she and her ex-partner Matthew […]

September 23rd, 2017

Dad dies after setting himself alight in custody protest outside New Zealand Parliament

A desperate dad understood to be fighting to see his kids in the family courts in New Zealand has died after setting himself on fire outside Parliament on Thursday. The dad had made signs which read: “In Iran you stone mothers; in New Zealand fathers.” Another read: “My vote No! To Family Court lawyers racket.” He […]

September 20th, 2017

Family courts in meltdown as judges are brought out of retirement

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, has told the House of Commons’ Justice Select Committee that retired judges are being sent back to work to help manage the increase in family law cases. In his final appearance before before he steps down, Lord Thomas repeated the concerns raised in his final annual report, which was published […]

September 1st, 2017

Esther Rantzen: The pain of grandparents DENIED access to their grandchildren

The pain and suffering of grandparents denied access to their grandchildren is a common feature in cases managed by Fathers4Justice. Grandparents go through double the heartbreak: they go through the pain of separation themselves, and they go through it for their sons. Many do so facing the cruel reality that they may never see their […]

May 16th, 2017

Comedian Chris Rock says family courts leave you “out of your f***ing mind…”

Comedian Chris Rock is the latest Hollywood dad to talk about his experiences at the hands of the family courts in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine this month. Rock was divorced from his wife of 10 years, Malaak Compton-Rock, last August amid claims Malaak prevented Chris from seeing their two daughters, Lola and Zahra. […]

March 2nd, 2017

If the Nazis ruled Britain, would they have invented anything as unspeakable as our secret family courts?

As the BBC broadcasts its new alternative history TV series SS-GB, which imagines what the UK would be like if the Nazis had invaded Britain, F4J founder Matt O’Connor asks some uncomfortable questions. In 1925, Adolf Hitler declared in Mein Kampf: “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. […]

February 28th, 2017

Irish Independent: “Malicious claims of abuse ‘endemic’ in family law battles

Pic: Matt O’Connor, Founder, Fathers4Justice Vexatious claims of sexual abuse are now ‘a weapon of choice’ among warring couples engaged in bitter separation or divorce battles. Matt O’Connor, the London-based founder of the Fathers 4 Justice group, said malicious claims of all forms of abuse were ‘endemic’ in family law battles. “It’s a significant factor […]

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